About Me

Hi! My name is Kim! I really hope you like my blog! I hope you share it to your friends and family!


Tuesday 13 November 2012


The skills I gained through this project was how to express my thoughts through blogging. I also gained  independence through this project and I also learned to organise my time efficiently. The project all together was a success as I gained an understanding of what many must be feeling in developed countries. It may not be the same thoughts as them but I can still relate. I am really proud of myself as I did something out of my comfort zone and I did something that means a lot to me as I have a strong passion on changing poverty and hunger. Although I did use my time efficiently I wished I didn't waste as much time on doing nothing so I can put more research into my project.

Monday 12 November 2012



“Hunger” Last updated: 2012, Available at:http://www.wfp.org/hunger/causes Last accessed: 29/10/12

“Poverty Facts and Stats”  Last updated 2010, Available at:http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-statLast accessed: 15/10/12

“Stop Hunger Now” Last Updated 2012, Available at:
http://www.stophungernow.org/site/PageServer Last accessed: 6/11/2012

“The Hunger Project” Last Updated 2012, Available at:http://www.thp.org/who_we_are/faq Last accessed: 6/11/2012

“UNICEF” Last updated: 2012, Available at:http://www.unicef.org.au/?gclid=CNnR6bKt0rMCFQQcpQodlTEAS Last accessed: 6/11/2012

‘World Hunger and Poverty’ Last Update: 2010, Available at:
Last Accessed: 3/09/2012
http://www.globalissues.org/issue/6/world-hunger-and-poverty Last Accessed: 3/09/2012

Saturday 10 November 2012


The hardest part of the 24 hour challenge is the temptation. The temptation of having the food that is laid out for the rest of the family that you have to restrict yourself of having. When my family was having dinner, they were having Japanese and my sisters were trying to annoy me by making faces on how good the food was while I was outside. Another temptation was technology! I texted a few friends to come over to keep me company just beforehand and I was so curious if they are coming or not or if they have replied. Also, my absolute favourite movie... The incredibles was on and I was like... I WANT TO WATCH IT :'(. The thing I wanted most of all was to go inside, to the air-con, to the heating, to my furniture etc. It is not fair that others have to experience the hunger I felt in one day. It is not fair that they need to support families. It is not fair they have no choice. This experience was one day. This experience is just a preview of poverty and hunger. Now I imagine what it must be like for them every minute of every hour of every day of every year. We as a society need to change this. We have the resources, all we to do is raise the awareness and join together to make a better life for these people and a better world for everyone.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Charities and Non Profit Organisations

Hey Hey!!! I just want to share some charities and non profit organisations so anyone who is viewing this blog can donate and help out! Here are some links for all you guys to look at:


Please donate and help out. You don't have to donate much! every cent counts! Also, help out by doing the 24 hour challenge, open up your mind to what others in poverty and hunger are thinking and feeling everyday! I will recommend more charities and non profit organisations soon! Please keep on sharing this blog!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

The 24 hour challenge is soon coming up! I am getting nervous for some reason. I know it will be hard but to what extent. Will it change my opinion of poverty and hunger all together. In a way, I kinda feel lame saying this to a open public who can at anytime come around and look at this blog. I can get anxious because of this, what if one person comes across this blog and will be like.... OMG this is the WORST blog about poverty and hunger! Like ZOMG! Well, I guess the most important thing is that I tried raising awareness of the situation! And, I really hope all the viewers that do look at this, are motivated by this and tell their friends. The more people that do something about this, can help stop poverty and hunger for good.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

            I was looking up one word on google; poverty and these are some photos I found.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

It has been decided that on Saturday 10th of November, I will commence the 24 hour challenge! It would start at 1pm! I am very excited to test out my experiment and see what the outcomes are! I really want to encourage anyone to do this, maybe on the same day, or maybe any other day because I think that this will help you understand what life must be like for them! It may not be the exactly what people living in poverty and hunger may be going through everyday but I guess this is the closest it is going to get!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

So, I have been researching a lot about poverty and hunger. There are 7 billion people in this world today but 1.4 billion of these people live below 1.25 US dollars. The is almost one quater of this world. There are 925 million people do not have enough to eat. This is more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union combined. Roughly 95% of these people live in the developing countries such as Mozambique, India, Bangladesh etc.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Hi, my name is Kimberley! For a school assignment we had to choose a topic we would like to research about and then create a question. After this question is made we have to answer it and present it in any form we like! So, I decided to create a blog so my message will be shared to all viewers. My question I have created is: How can I raise awareness of poverty and hunger in developing countries? I have decided to do a 24 hour challenge. I will live like a little girl suffering from poverty and hunger. I will not eat for 24 hours except a cup of rice in the middle of the day. I will sleep outside with no shelter above my head. I will live without technology and I will write on a piece of paper what every hour feels like. Us, living in a developed world in a land of luxury need to make a difference for others. Please join the journey of the 24 hour challenge with me and stand to make a difference. I would like to encourage everyone to do this as this is a rewarding opportunity that makes you realise how most of us take this life for granted whilst others may be suffering.